Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Outing Club has announced it's new officers for the 2007-2008 school year.
President.....Brandon D.
Vice President.... Eric S.
Secretary............Matt C.
Treasurer............Cody B.

We also discussed trip plans with Emma, Sarah, Katie, Travis and Chuck. Some ideas for outings are a trip to Montezuma Wildlife Refuge, Watkins Glenn and our first trip will be to the movies to catch a flick, Into The Wild.

Thanks to all who came I am sure this year will be a lot of fun and a great success.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

The start of the new year also brings a fresh start to the Groton Outing Club. Our first meeting will be held October 24th during both 4th and 5th period lunches. Stop in and express interest in the club, share ideas of future outings and volunteer as an officer in the club.
Outings that are currently being considered are trips to Chimney Bluffs State Park, Montezuma Wildlife Refuge, the Cornell Climbing Wall and a year end backpacking trip. We have close to $1000 in our fund and are looking for a great start to the new year.